Meeting Minutes- November 8, 2021

1. Call to order at 7pm
2. Attendance verified. Tracy and Kim Stringfellow, Allison and Earl Bainbridge, Leslie and Brad Boyd, Ranette Downey, Krissy Kirkland, Shirley Vogel.
3. Previous meetings’ minutes reviewed.
4. Treasurer’s report-
a. Checking- $26,884.86. Outstanding check for $388.50 and pending deposit from Venmo for $962.00
b. Savings- $4,602.36
5. Old Business
a. Merchandise- nothing to report. Trailer currently being used for storage while stadium is rebuilt.
b. Fundraising updates- Whataburger- profit of $500.00. They are willing to do the “Whataburger for a year” drawing next year.
6. New business
a. 2022 officer nomination- Earl Bainbridge willing to fulfill President or Vice President role. Both Allison Bainbridge and Shirley Vogel willing to stay in their current roles of secretary and treasurer. Will accept nominations until December meeting and vote on the 2022 officers at that time.
b. Spring fundraiser opportunities- discussed clay shoot and golf. Will need to decide on a date this fall. School schedules are very busy at that time so difficult to find a free weekend.
c. Banquet
i. Date- January 13 at 7pm
ii. Location- Overton Ray or Community Center. If we can get a screen for the video donated by A1, we will go with the Community Center. If not, we will request OTR since they have the AV set up needed and is free.
iii. Senior gifts- Balls like last year, memory book, and banners.
iv. Food- Branding Iron. Kim will call for pricing and secure the date.
v. Highlights and slide show- Coach String will take care of it.
vi. Memory Book- Kim will take care of it. Ranette can help with binding.
d. Christmas parade- Dec 11 at 6pm
i. Trailers- Lapham offered a trailer. We will need 5 to cover both BMS and BHS football players.
ii. Candy- Kim will order
iii. Hot chocolate- Ranette and Kim will take care of it.
iv. Need to register with the Chamber of Commerce. Kim will investigate.
7. Open Discussion
a. Rusty Blanton’s battery charger is missing from the equipment trailer. It was used to recharge the battery for the horn. If unable to locate, Boosters will replace it.
8. Coach’s report
a. Great win against Decatur.
9. Next booster club meeting- December 6 at 7pm at the field house.
10. Adjourn at 7:50pm