Meeting Minutes- October 18, 2021
Call to order at 7pm 2. Attendance- Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Shirley Vogel, Rusty Blanton, Ranette Downey, Keith McClure, Dawn Daino, Leslie and Brad Boyd,
Call to order at 7pm 2. Attendance- Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Shirley Vogel, Rusty Blanton, Ranette Downey, Keith McClure, Dawn Daino, Leslie and Brad Boyd,
Call to order Attendance: Kim Stringfellow, Rusty Blanton, Shirley Vogel, Brad Boyd, Leslie Boyd, Ranette Downey Previous meetings’ minutes Treasurer’s report- Checking-$24,636.71. Pending $105. 00
Call to order at 6:30pm Attendance: Kim and
Call to order at 6:35pm Attendance: Kim and
P.O. Box 631, Burkburnett, Texas 76354.