Meeting Minutes- December 6, 2021

1. Call to order at 7pm
2. Attendance: Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Earl Bainbridge, Ranette Downey, Shirley Vogel, Kristi Miller, Kathy Grounds
3. Previous meetings’ minutes reviewed.
4. Treasurer’s report-
a. Checking- $26,591.109
b. Savings- $4,602.36
5. Old Business
a. Merchandise- no updates
b. Officer nominations:
i. President or Vice President- Earl Bainbridge
ii. Secretary- Allison Bainbridge
iii. Treasurer- Shirley Vogel
c. Spring fundraiser options- No updates
d. Christmas parade- Dec 11 at 6pm.
i. Trailers- 3 available. Will decorate at 3pm. Ranette working to secure lights for the trailers.
ii. Candy- purchased. Parents will be encouraged to donate as well
iii. Hot Chocolate- will be set up at 4:30pm in field house parking lot prior to line up
iv. Line up will be at 5pm. Players will be returned to the field house after the parade.
v. Jerseys will be available for the players to wear. BMS and BHS students are invited. Coach Rickman will be made aware so he can share with the BMS players and parents.
e. Banquet
i. Date- January 12, 2022
ii. Location- Overton Ray Elementary
iii. Senior gifts- footballs ordered. Banners will be hung at the venue and then given to players.
iv. Food- Branding Iron is scheduled. 250 people at $11/plate.
v. Highlights and slide show- Coach Stringfellow will work on it.
vi. Memory Book- Kim is putting it together. Book is pending district honors being announced so any recognized players can be noted in the book.
vii. Ranette will assist with a flier to post as a save-the-date.
viii. NHS students will be available per Mrs. Baughman to help with set up and tear down.
6. New Business- none
7. Open Discussion- none
8. Coach’s report- none
9. Next booster club meeting- January 3rd at 7pm at the field house.
10. Adjourned at 7:35pm