Attendance: Allison and Earl Bainbridge, Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Erick and Jessie Trusty, Michael and Michelle Emery, Jodi Lapham, Kristi Miller, Adam Calderon, Chrissi Kirkland, Mary and Tim Owen, Allyson Baughman, April Maldonado, Shirley Vogel.
Previous meetings’ minutes posted to website.
Treasurer’s report-
Checking- $36,853.64
Savings- $4,605.61
Venmo- $0 to transfer
Petty cash- $300.00
Old Business
Merchandise- cow bells and t-shirt reorder are in. T-shirt sizes 2xl and 3xl are still pending. T-shirts from Electra along with pink hats are pending. Re-order of white and black oil derrick hats are due next week. Allyson Baughman and Jessica Emery volunteered to open trailer during JV games in October. They will open it about 4:30pm and keep it open until the start of the second game. We did not take the trailer to Friendship Festival due to a lack of volunteers.
New Business
Game day:
Spike- Dog Crew has matching t-shirts that should be here this week.
Horn- Alvarado did not allow use of horn due to a noise ordinance with the city. We will have the horn this week in Decatur.
Team Dinner- sign up posted on Facebook.
Redneck Cooking team will provide fish fry this week. Drinks and desserts are all that is needed from us.
First Burk Men’s Cooking Team will provide food on Oct 20th and will be doing their traditional tail gate party at the game on Oct 21st.
Oh What a Night at Whataburger is on Oct 12 from 5p-8p. We will deliver the senior poster to the store that night. Fliers are being shared to promote it.
Coaches Lunch- none needed on Oct 8 or Oct 15. Volunteers have been notified that they will not be needed.
Locker rooms
JV- sign up posted. We are doing team dinner for JV Black and Orange this week following each of their games. Snacks will still be provided 4th period.
Varsity- sign up posted
Open Discussion
We traditionally do snack bags for Cheer once each season as a thank you for supporting the team. This week is Pink Out so snack bags will be done this Friday. We included both Cheer and Babes this time. Delivery will be to their buses prior to departing for Decatur.
Fire Extinguisher exchange will be done by Jodi Lapham this week on Thursday.
BMS coaches requested arm shield pads to help with practice. 5 shields were ordered and delivered to Coach Rickman last week.
Coach’s report (Coach String)
Alvarado game was a great show of our teams energy, endurance, and fight. They never gave up even when odds were not in their favor with 5 seconds left in the game. Each week, we are seeing improvement and faster play. Spirits are high with the players as is their confidence. Decatur is a good team but we are not seeing our players act intimidated. They are ready to go and know they can complete. Information about tickets and live streaming has been shared on Sports You and Facebook.
JV teams played well last week. We continue to see those players get better and more confident. They will play Decatur at home on Thursday at 5:00pm and approximately 6:30pm.
Coach String shared a phone call received by Coach Boyd from the former head coach at Alvarado who attended the varsity game last week. He complimented our coaching staff and players for their knowledge, skill, and behavior. He was impressed with how we handled ourselves against a good Alvarado team.
Next booster club meeting- planned for October 3, 2022, at 6:30pm. However, if there is no pressing business, we will cancel due to it being our off week.