1. Call to order at 7pm
2. Attendance: Earl Bainbridge, Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Shirley Vogel, Krissy Kirkland, Kristi Miller, Sara Calderon.
3. Previous meetings’ minutes posted to website.
4. Treasurer’s report
a. Checking- $22,710.81
b. Savings- $4,603.51
5. Old Business
a. Merchandise- email sent to Boosters asking for a vote on potential t-shirt designs. Please vote so we can move forward.
b. Spring fundraisers:
i. 7 on 7 middle school tournament update
1. We have only received notification from 3 teams.
2. Kristi will ask for a middle school call out reminding parents of this event, will ask Coach Rickman to send out a “Remind” message to the groups, and will ask coaches to remind their middle school classes of the deadline to sign up, which is this Friday.
3. If we don’t have at least 6-8 teams registered by Friday, we will cancel the event.
4. We will let the First Burk Men’s Cooking group know by Friday evening if they will be needed.
5. Allison will hold off on ordering prizes for the winners until we confirm that the event will be happening.
c. Home game programs- tabled
d. Meet the Dog- Aug. 13th at 7pm- tabled
e. Gator maintenance- Earl will get this taken care of within the next few weeks.
f. Leadership event at Fort Sill- Adam Calderone will facilitate. Tabled.
g. Player recognition-
i. Boosters are eager to find ways to recognize players on a weekly basis during the season.
ii. Suggested to categorize by offense, defense, and special teams.
iii. Consider including sub varsity opportunities to recognize and encourage players.
iv. Will discuss more as we get closer to the start of season.
6. New Business
a. Notified about Boomtown Rodeo taking place on June 11th. It is unfortunately the same day as our SQT 7 on 7 tournament in Celina, Tx. Many Booster members will be at SQT and unable to help. Due to the scheduling conflict, we will pass on the parade.
b. Overton Ray and BHS will be borrowing Spike for end of school activities and graduation. Coach Boyd will coordinate.
7. Open Discussion
a. The Boosters have historically purchased 6 reserved tickets ($150) for the upcoming season for a specific sponsor. However, circumstances have significantly changed calling to question the need to continue to purchase these tickets. In review of our current sponsorship packet, there are no sponsorship categories that provide reserved season passes. Therefore, it was unanimous that the Boosters will not purchase tickets this year. If circumstances change, we can revisit it.
8. Coach’s report– Coach Stringfellow provided an update on current events.
i. Selected players are participating in SQT 7 on 7. They did well at the Ponder Tournament last weekend at Northwest High School playing Sanger, Graham, and Brownwood. The team improved each game and ended with a win over undefeated Brownwood, which really helped our confidence level. Brownwood went on to win the tournament and qualify for the State Tournament. Next Saturday, players will go to Graham and will go to Celina on June 11th.
ii. Our linemen attended a Linemen Challenge at City View last weekend and competed well against several other school.
iii. There are local 7 on 7 events happening weekly that allows more of our high school players to get involved. So far, our guys have played against teams from Wichita Falls and Vernon.
iv. Youth football camp will be held May 31-June 2 at our field.
v. Summer Pride will start the week of June 6th. We hope to keep our momentum going over the summer with all our players (7-12 grade) by continuing to work on strength and conditioning.
vi. Summer physicals are required to participate in summer pride and are required prior to the start of the fall season. Unlike last year, only incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th graders will need new physicals.
9. Next booster club meeting- June 6 at 7pm at the field house
10. Adjourned at 8pm.