- Call to order at 7:10pm
- Attendance verified
- Previous meetings’ minutes reviewed
- Treasurer’s report-
- Checking- $21,039.14
- Savings- $4,601.78
- Old Business
- Merchandise- New shirts are available. Last year’s inventory will be discounted, and we need to add hats. Flex fit were suggested.
- Fundraising updates
- Rodeo- Raised $521.50 from the 50/50 profits in partnership with the Rodeo Club. Several players volunteered to help. Pictures were posted on Face book to recognize those that volunteered.
- Personal ads- $4,875.00 was raised from personal ads. 32 pages of the program are personal ads. The overall program is 52 pages long.
- Sponsors- We added 2 more banner sponsors. Ranette will work with them on banners.
- Golf Cart close out- Sold the golf cart for $4,000.00 to Burk Pest Control. The John Deere gator was purchased using donations from a private donor to be recognized later. ETA on the gator was 8/23. Rusty is working with Quality Implement to track shipment. Bainbridge’s have offered their side by side until the gator arrives.
- Locker room update- parents have volunteered for all locker rooms and will independently coordinate the decorations and snacks.
- Team dinners- This week, we will purchase pizzas for the players and ask parents to bring salad, desserts, and drinks. Krissy Kirkland will organize the volunteers via Sign Up Genius and attempt to secure catering sponsors.
- Bleacher Creatures- With games being at IP, we expect a small number of participants. We will continue to promote this opportunity at the 3 “home games” designated for bleacher creatures.
- 3rd Creative pictures- Continue to have outstanding payment for sitting fees. However, it is a small number of players.
- New business
- New home field plan- game day
- Flags will be placed around the IP stadium
- Spike will be set up if we have volunteers in place.
- New home field plan- game day
- Programs and bleacher creature sales will be set up at the entrance.
- Large Bulldog banner will be hung across the front of the home bleachers if it can be properly secured.
- Senior night
- Boosters will support the plan as determined by BISD leadership. Pending.
- Open Discussion
- Coach’s report
- A spirit line at the entrance to the field would be helpful to pump up the players. Boosters were asked to promote parent/fan participation in the spirit line. Ranette will make a flier.
- Next booster club meeting- August 30th at 7pm at the field house.
- Adjourned at 8:00pm.