Meeting Minutes March 8,2021

  1. Call to order at 7:00pm
  2. Attendance: Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Jason Meng, Tonia Boyett, Ranette Downey, Allison Bainbridge, Kristi Miller, Sharon Brown
  3. Previous meetings’ minutes pending.
  4. Treasurer’s report-
    1. Checking- $13,119.47
    2. Savings- $4,600.46
    3. Petty cash- $75.00
    4. Income-$0
    5. Expenditures- $0
    6. Pay Pal- $0
  5. Old Business
    1. Merchandise-
      1. Samples will be compiled in a google form and distributed to members for vote on 2021 merchandise designs.
    2. Fundraising updates
      1. Clay shoot- Tonia
        1. April 10th at North Texas Field and Stream.
        2. Registration starts at 0800.
        3. Volunteers will be needed at 0730 for registration and towards the end of the event to help with food and prizes.
        4. Prizes- custom cups for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams and top male, female, and youth shooter. Cost= $16/ 18 cups. Jaclyn will coordinate
        5. Sharon will speak with Chicken E for food donation.
        6. Big Dawgs will donate $500 toward event expenses.
        7. Advertisement will be placed in the Burk Informer Star. Ranette will coordinate. Event will also be posted on Facebook and flier sent out to Booster members.
      2. Sign and Drive- pending date- Jaclyn
        1. Ford is still on hold with this fundraiser.
      3. Military honor wall update- Jaclyn
        1. Up and running. Waiting on Sign On for graphics.
      4. Sponsors-Ranette
        1. No report
      5. Banquet- Kim
        1. Financial wrap up pending final receipts.
        2. Having NHS and NJHS students to help with set up and tear down was very helpful.
        3. Banquet received good feedback. Most preferred the location change to the community center.
        4. City returned our $200 deposit for the space rental.
      6. Golf Cart-
        1. Kim will follow up with Rusty when mechanic is found to work on the golf cart. Hoping to complete my mid-summer so it is ready for the start of practice.
      7. Golf Tournament-
        1. Plan will be to see if the Clay Shoot is successful. If it is, we will not do a golf tournament moving forward.

6. New business

      1. None to report

7. Open Discussion

        1. None

8. Coach’s report (Coach Meng)

      1. Coach Meng would like to reimburse Coach String for the cost of the timing system that he purchased for the athletic program. It benefits both track and football.   Would also like to add chips to make timing faster.
      2. Coach String declined reimbursement and suggested the money be used to purchase additional timing cones and chips.
        1. Ranette made motion to purchasing timing system with a package of 10 chips and 2 cones up with anticipated expense of $2500.00. Second by Tonia.  Passed unanimously by those present.
            1. Coach String will secure a quote and move forward with the purchase.
      3. Powerlifting- 3 boys are going to regionals as alternates.
      4. 7 on 7 is coming up soon. Coach Meng is talking to players to see if there is any interest.
      5. Track- HS boys fun on Friday. Jr High girls are here on Tuesday and Jr High boys are here on Thursday.


  1. Next booster club meeting- March 22, 2021 at 7pm
  2. Adjourn at 8:01pm