- Call to order at 7:00pm
- Attendance: Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Jason Meng, Tonia Boyett, Allison Bainbridge, Kristi Miller, Chrissi Kirkland, Rusty Blanton
- Previous meetings’ minutes pending.
- Treasurer’s report-
- Checking- $8,882.47
- Savings- $4,600.46
- Petty cash- $75.00
- Income-$0
- Expenditures- $0
- Pay Pal- $0
- Kim will be working with First Bank to update the signature card with the new officers.
5. Old Business
- Merchandise-
- Samples will be compiled in a google form and distributed to members for vote on 2021 top 3-5 merchandise designs.
- Fundraising updates
- Clay shoot- Tonia
- April 10th at North Texas Field and Stream.
- Registration starts at 0800.
- Volunteers will be needed at 0730 for registration and towards the end of the event to help with food and prizes.
- Prizes- custom cups have been picked up
- Chicken Express will be donating the food.
- Big Dawgs will donate $500 toward event expenses.
- Advertisement will be in the Burk Informer Star the week of April 5th.
- Sign and Drive- pending date- Jaclyn
- Ford is still on hold with this fundraiser.
- Military honor wall update- Jaclyn
- Up and running. Waiting on Sign On for graphics.
- Sponsors-Ranette
- No report
- Timing system
- Timing system was purchased and is in use with the track and football players.
- Clay shoot- Tonia
- Merchandise-
6. New business
1. Bylaws are due for renewal. Copies were distributed to those present with request to review and bring any changes or additions needed to our next meeting.
2. Oil Bowl- 4 players (Willson, Williams, Duke, Biner) were asked to participate this year. Kim has reached out to the parents of those players making them aware of the Booster
scholarship available to those who participate.
- Open Discussion
- None
- Coach’s report (Coach Meng)
- Military honor wall will be finished before he leaves
- New white uniforms have been ordered for varsity
- This will be Coach Meng’s last Booster meeting. He expressed his appreciation for Booster support. He will miss the kids, the program, and this town.
- Members expressed their appreciation for his 4 years with BISD and wished him well on his position with La Grange ISD.
- Next booster club meeting- April 12, 2021 at 7pm.
- Adjourn at 7:34pm