Meeting Minutes- March 28,2022

  1. Call to order at 7:00pm
  2. Attendance: Earl and Allison Bainbridge, Kim Stringfellow, Shirley Vogel, Kristi Miller, Adam Calderon, Coach Boyd.
  3. Previous meetings’ minutes posted to website.


  1. Treasurer’s report-
    1.  Checking-$23,401.88
    2. Savings- $4,602.94,
    3. Venmo pending transfer- $823.09
    4. Banquet close out- expenses= $4,906.47, income from ticket sales= $1,553.09


  1. Old Business
    1. Merchandise-
      1. 2022 plan/designs will be needed at the April 18th Booster meeting so that we can vote on preferred designs and get them to Sign On for mockup.
      2. On-line store was minimally effective. Will discuss further as we get closer to the season.
    2. Spring fundraisers:
      1. Golf- Earl will reach out to Scott at River Creek to see if any dates are available in the Spring for a golf tournament. Target dates are April 23rd, 24th, or May 7th.
      2. Will consider an August clay shoot depending on outcome of golf tournament.


  1. New Business
    1. Oil Bowl participants- Kasen Major and Landon Anderson are the 2 participants this year.
      1. We will award each player a $100 scholarship at the conclusion of the Oil Bowl game.
      2. Kim will work with the Shriners on a ½ page football ad for the Oil Bowl program. ½ page will cost $200.00
    2. Program coordinator- In the absence of Ranette Downey, Kristi Miller has agreed to take on the sponsorship/program role and relinquish her former role as Merchandise Coordinator. Kristi will work with Ranette to identify the process and timing for program preparation.  Sharon Brown and Chrissy Kirkland will remain in the Merchandise Coordinator roles at this time.


  1. Open Discussion
    1. Meet the Dog will be scheduled for August 13th at 7pm at the stadium.
      1. Kim will notify the Cheer sponsor.
      2. Coach Boyd will notify the appropriate administrators and share with the Babes, Band, and JrROTC sponsors so they can get it on their event calendars.
    2. Kim asked for suggestions for team building and player recognition throughout the season. High school football is about making memories and lifelong relationships.  Boosters would like to help in anyway possible to create a positive and memorable experience.
      1. Coach Boyd reported that Coach Boyd (OC) will oversee electronic media (on the field house TV and social media) for player recognition. From Coach Boyd’s experience with other programs, player recognition can be positive and at time negative so is hesitant to put anything more in place, especially since we are still in a transition phase, referring to our 2-8 record.
      2. Adam Calderon shared an opportunity to partner with Fort Sill on a leadership training day that would involve museums, obstacle courses, and speaker engagements on leadership topics to strengthen team relationships. Coach Boyd was in favor of participating in such an event.  Boosters were encouraged and eager to support this initiative in any way necessary.   Adam will work with Coach Boyd on a date and logistics.  Coach Boyd will follow up with the Boosters if anything additional is needed.
      • Boosters are still interested in celebrating the effort and hard work of our players, despite the score or the record. Further discussion on this topic will occur closer to the start of the season.
  1. Coach’s report
    1. Funding request presented by Coach Boyd for 7 on 7 jerseys. The plan will be to purchase reusable jerseys for the State 7 on 7 tournament unlike previous years when players had to purchase their own.
      1. Deign was shared with the Booster. Cost will be $1,200 for 40 jerseys (2 sets), 20 white and 20 orange.
      2. Kim will reach out to Clay Conrady with BSN Sports to provide payment so the order can be processed. Jerseys will be needed by the end of May for the first scheduled event.
    2. Summer pride schedule will be altered since we have a strength and conditioning coach on staff.  It will start at 0700 Monday-Thursday will different groups having different schedules.  BMS boys and girls will have a time slot, 9-12 boys, 9-12 girls, and Baseball/Basketball players will also have different time slots.   Coach Boyd will be communicating the details to players and parents soon.  The week of Memorial Day and the week of July 4th will be off weeks.


  1. Next booster club meeting- April 18 at 7pm at the field house to present merchandise design ideas and finalize Spring fundraising.


  1. Adjourned at 8:15pm.