1. Call to order
2. Attendance: Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Brad and Leslie Boyd, Allison and Earl Bainbridge, Shirley Vogel, Brian Daino, Kristi Miller
3. Previous meetings’ minutes posted.
4. Treasurer’s report-
a. Checking-$26,047.94
b. Savings-$4,602.94
5. Old Business
a. Merchandise- no update
b. Officer nominations:
i. President- Earl Bainbridge
ii. Vice- President- Kim Stringfellow
iii. Secretary- Allison Bainbridge
iv. Treasurer- Shirley Vogel
c. Spring fundraiser options
i. Golf- Earl will reach out to Scott at River Creek to request May 7 or May 21.
ii. Clay Shoot- pending further discussion
iii. Other?
d. Banquet
i. Date- Jan 12 at 7pm
ii. Location- Overton Ray Elementary
iii. Senior football and trainer gifts- done
iv. Food- Branding Iron
v. Highlights and slide show in progress
vi. Memory Book- done
vii. NHS students will assist with set up and tear down. Kristi Miller will be the on-site point of contact for them to document volunteer hours.
viii. Volunteer will need to be at Overton at 4pm on Jan 12 to assist with set up.
ix. Shirley volunteered to take payment at the door.
x. Coach String will reach out to Col Fox to confirm AFJROTC.
xi. Décor has been ordered to include hooks for the banners, balloons, simple table toppers, table runners. Allison Bainbridge will have action pictures printed to scatter on the tables.
6. New Business
a. STEM- Feb 10, hotdogs/chips/water.
b. Kim will reach out to Casey Hunter to confirm and identify number of participants.
7. Open Discussion
a. Securing BMS parent involvement has been problematic. Coach Boyd is planning on a “signing day” for the 8th graders in the spring and will involve parents. Boosters will have opportunity to present to that group and introduce them to the Booster Club.
8. Coach’s report
a. none
9. Next booster club meeting- January 24th at 7pm at the field house.
10. Adjourned at 8:10pm.