- Call to order at 6:30pm
- Attendance: Kim and Tracy Stringfellow, Jodi Lapham, Allyson Baughman, Mary and Tim Owen, Adam Calderon, Chrissi Kirkland, Earl and Allison Bainbridge, Shirley Vogel, Ranette Downey, Jessica Emery, Amanda and Eric Lovelace.
- Previous meetings’ minutes posted to website.
- Treasurer’s report-
- Checking- $31,565.63
- Savings- $4,605.61
- Venmo- $257.56
- Petty cash-$300.00
- Old Business
- Merchandise- Roster shirt was voted on via a Facebook poll. Options 1 and 5 were the favorites. Those present at the meeting voted to select option 1. Chrissi will work with Keith on the shirts to get a link for pre-order. We will also place a roster on the back of the shirt. We will look for the whistles during off season to purchase for next year since they are so hard to find.
- Oh What a Night event on Oct 12- pending donation
- New Business
- Game day:
- Spike- volunteer in place
- Horn- battery replaced- Dog crew in place
- Merchandise trailer-volunteers in place.
- Programs-NHS students in place.
- Team Dinner-
- BMS 7th grade A and B on Nov 3rd at 6:15 and 8:00pm. Chick Fil A will be provided.
- Varsity- sign up posted. Earl Bainbridge will provide the entrée so the sign ups will only be needed for sides, dessert, and drinks. Chrissi will update the form.
- Coaches Lunch- Kronk’s
- Locker rooms- theme- Throwback the Rams
- JV- sign up posted on Sports You and Facebook.
- Varsity- sign up posted. Babes will be providing snack bags for the locker room for varsity too.
- Senior night- Nov 4th
- Line up- 6-615pm
- Volunteers secured. Ranette Downey will coordinate.
- Flowers are being donated and will be picked up by 4 on Friday from Boomtown Florist by Mary Owen.
- Senior letter stationary was handed out to players today by Coach String. He will collect them tomorrow and get them to Kim to be placed in folders for the parents.
- Lists of seniors with the parent names they want announced was reviewed and confirmed by the football seniors. Seniors and parent names were provided by Band, Cheer, Babes, and JrROTC. Roster will be provided to each sponsor on Friday night, to the announcer, and to the volunteers assisting with lineup.
- Communication was sent via Sports You and Facebook to parents outlining the plan of events for that evening. We will start the program at 6:20pm.
- Christmas parade- December 10th. Line up at 5pm. Parade at 6pm.
- Playoff Team Dinner- Amanda Lovelace has reached out to Pruitt Ford to see if they would donate a steak dinner for the team meal before their first play off game since 2015. Pending further information. Boosters are committed to supporting a special meal for our players in anyway needed.
- Banquet- January 11@7pm. Pending Overton Ray reservation. NHS students will be available to assist with set up and tear down.
- Game day:
- Open Discussion
- Adam Calderon was able to secure a canon to be fired when the players run out and after the National Anthem. He is awaiting approval from BISD prior to proceeding.
- Discussed possible program book if we have a play off game. Those present agreed to a scaled back program that contains the players on the front, rosters in the middle, and Babes/Cheer/Band on the back. Ranette will get pricing for us to consider.
- Coach’s report
- Discussed preparation for Mineral Wells and will play as scheduled on Friday night. We are not changing the schedule due to weather. We are confident that we are prepared for this opponent.
- JV games will be in Mineral Wells on Thursday and 7A/B will be playing at home on Thursday.
- Reviewed district rankings and variables that will impact our place in district based on which team wins and by what point spread.
- Next booster club meeting- Nov 7 at 6:30pm at the field house.
- Adjourned at 7:05pm